Rooftop Island
「每天游在城市的忙碌裡,頂樓像汪洋中的島嶼,我們偶爾要上來喘口氣。」 頂樓是被城市遺忘的地方。運用圖像的力量,提醒人們這個被忽略的空間、重新定義和想像頂樓的使用意義,並記錄屬於台灣的頂樓樣貌。 Swimming every day in the hustle and bustle of the city, we occasionally have to come up to take a breath at the rooftops-- the islands in the ocean." By using the power of images, remind people of these neglected spaces and to redefine and re-imagine the use of rooftops while simultaneously recording their characteristics unique to Taiwan.